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Why 2020 could be a year long remembered in video games

Making predictions about the video game industry has historically been paved with false optimism or, conversely, not enough imagination. Publishers and developers never fail to surprise gamers with new gameplay mechanics or announcements of games that few people saw coming. So, with that in mind, this blog is not one that will make predictions about 2020. However, given what we know has been announced for 2020 so far and what we can safely expect this year, I would hazard a guess that 2020 could be a great year in video game history.

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What does it mean to own a game today?

Owning games is becoming a hot topic. There has been a landmark case in France that has brought into focus the question of who owns a digitally bought game. The issue is that when you buy a digital video game what exactly are you buying?

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E3. Gamers need it whether they know it or not

Recently there has been a spate of articles in the media and on internet forums by journalists, analysts and gamers who have questioned “is E3 still relevant?”

Sony pulled out citing a lack of new games they wanted to showcase. EA pulled out several years ago, preferring to run a parallel show called EA Play that laser-focused attention on EA games. Nintendo pulled its press conferences from E3 even further ago, opting instead by reaching out to its fans via its Nintendo Direct videos.

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